yes yes, i found ANOTHER cuddly bear. :D and guess what i found on it? this:-
nyahaha. totally. vintage RUSS collection? whatever. :D but yeah, thanks a million to my aunt. i got this a long time ago. =)
so yes, i don't have a name for it yet, but heh. ain't gonna find one either. (: suggestions are welcome though. :]
feast your eyes (oh this is so vain.) :-i tried doing the stupid lala poses.
-.- didnt work out. hah.
yes, imma cuddle you like that too if you were my husband. too bad, you're not. :D (not that i think you would wanna be either.) HAHA.
vainning has got to be my second favourite hobby right now. studying is my first :)
HAHA. owh, skip it. x]
11 more days!
live like we're dying..
Labels: lovess, stuff, toys, vain, whee~
meh. Kris Allen's new song with The Script is cool. :D 'live like we're dying'. yes blame me, i just heard it. i am officially emo. but who cares? heh.
yes, it is my 50th post for this blog. what have I achieved? am I pleasing GOD? i think not. *sigh* GOD, help me, please.
yeah. i should be studying now, but what? i am on the net. yes i am. shoot. grr.
i'm hurt pfft. some friends I have. Sureee. yes, it's your fault, Jeff. haha.
Zoe ish a random-chubby-irritating/annoying-whiny-careless-lame-tub of lard-ish-PIG. yes. and i don't care.
yesss, i can go on saturday for the GLO graduation thingy. hope to see the loves people.
'til whenever.
Labels: depression, disappointed, emo, frustrated, HEH., pfft
Labels: :D, cuddles, love :), stuff, vain, whee~
paparazzi, live accoustic. ♥
really good. watch the whole thing. never knew lady gaga had so much more in her than i thought. yeah i think she's good. VERY. and her fashion. :D
everything- lifehouse. yupp, GOD has to my my everything. i don't care what you say. heh.
RUN THIS TOWN. rihanna, jay-z feat kanye west. thank you DARmesh for telling me about this song. yesh, it is nicee.
yes, i cut my hair. =) watch me VAIN.
haha. yes boey, the fat on the cheeks. (: i'm getting fat heh. so what? i don't care.
Labels: HEH., holidays, i don't care, songs, stuff, updates, vain, whee~
3 in one..
~8th september.
the artist. the one witht he DSLR. =) the body glove lover. the one who always 'abugan's me and KO's me. x] happy sweet 17th weii. :D yes, i knew you since like, standard 2? but u lari. then now come back again. haha. so yeah, GOD bless yah! thnx alot for the times you let me use ur camera. =)
~11th september.
yes yes. the gurl. with the AWESOME. firebrands. they one who wants her own DSLR like, ALOT. a member of the babi clan. (: E-abi. (swt) the super random, zealous for GOD, hyper, spontaneous and most importanly, BLUR one. haha. we all love you, EU. *hugs* GOD bless you loads.
~19th september.
yes yes. the ROCK one. :D the guitar gurl. the one with the nice hair. aka, MAYONAISE. mayo, for short. known her since, i was born i think. the one who hate maths. or anything to do with maths for that matter. xD aiyo's older sister. a 'quiet' one if ya don't know her. but if you do, she can obviously, TALK. like her sister lah.
so yes.. three birthday ppl. nureen mia birthday pun coming up.
btw, SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all the people celebrating it out there! enjoy ur raya hols people. =) one whole week weih. HAHA. and guess wad? WE have to study. -.-
:D i miss you lah.
Labels: :D, birthdays, holidays
i wanna i wanna i wanna CRY.. do you wanna cry with me too? coz i jus found out that recess revolution was da BOMB. =___= totally. grr
camy went, dan went yean went, xuan went.. and most of all, MELISSA TEOH AND RACHEL TEE WENT!! ahhhhh *screams her head off* macha... i wana cry dei. not only that, about a million other ppl went. like, ughh. sheesh. shud've listened to boey in the beginning. crap lah wei. gona die. ah. mind the rants. -.-
so yeah, next time, imma pay attention. woo, yesterday still lingers in my mind. grr, hopefully monday or tuesday boleh keluar lagih. tapi dan tak dak kat rumah. nvm. =) we go jalan. nyahaha..
i wanna go for the practise for GLO today larh. next week, they goin glo to present. emmie, jezron, steph lee, all of 'em gonna be there, i'm gona be stuck at home. sheesh. aw shucks. .___.
i just finished talking to MELISSA TEOH. *huggies*
itu saja untuk rants saya pada pagi ini. xD mungkin akan update lagi today. really i tell you, update-blog-to-much-syndrome. *smirks at justin* :D
signing out.
Labels: :) hepi, crap, fun, nonsense, stuff
so i pi jumpa yean dengan boey. me n yean went to DANIEL's house. yay daniel! mwuahaha. TEOH. xD (joke)
lol, kami panggil nyee, she so cute on the phone weih! ahhh. i just realised. haha.
a song for yean ft daniel. xD by ME. roflol..
original lyrics ; mine
teardrops on teoh's piano..
xD nice kan? LOL.yes lyrics are out of place. :D so what?
i think yean is mad at me. =( aw, sorry la. janganlah marah. daniel teoh! thank you very much for letting me ruin your house and your music notes. :D haha. sorry for that too. (: next time i go, we cook. and i see yun han? jun hai? jun han. HAHA. (joke people, joke)
so yeah..crap lah. holidays. one week. but we have PMR. no fun ade. =l tmr, ada practise untuk glo presentation. i can't go. =( boo. daddy don let, coz got peeemare. sheesh. nevermind that.. i shall just miss the people for three weeks. that's all. *three whole weeksss!! * =____=
saya sudah potong rambut. x) yes it looked horrible in skul. but yeah. expensive mia lame. the fringe tak begitu bagus. -.-
i love ai lyn and zara. alot. shall be missing you both alot. =/
mungkin akan update banyak. just in the mood to. xD
thank you, picnik. :D
janganlah marah, please.
Labels: :) hepi, fun, lovess, song, stuff, whee~
i love you i love you and I.LOVE.YOU.
yes yes, thursday, fourth day of pecutan. haha. been blogging like a drunkard lately. xD whees~ uhh, today was..okayyy. we had KH. first paper was not bad. second paper.. o____o. crap. dont ask. haha.then when they had islam, we had FREE PERIOD. like, dude, awesome i tell you. hahaha.. went berfoya-ing with sinthu and li-ying. then kena halau by haida. today she marah everybody..
so the non-muslims were sent to the bilik agama. haha,the irony of it all. xD talked there. and and, spent quality time with yee. =) saya pegang tangannya! haha... first time, babe. first time.
akash, weng yee, chee yang, joshua, saggu, mervyn and preetem. =) the gang. like seriously dude, haha. u guys rock. members! whoopie! LOL. was high jus now. xD btw ppl, vote for taryn lim! in miss machines. go go! support tashie. haha. click: HERE.
don't break me or hurt me or CRUSH me. please. ever. no. respect me. and i'll love you more! whoopie~ gonna 'kin min' tmr! hahaha.. takut lar..
yeanyeanyean. don't bite. HAHA.
signing out,
Labels: :) hepi, friends, high-ness, love :), lovess, randomness, skool?, stuff, updates, whee~
16th september 2009..
yes yes, third day of pecutan pmr. :D uhh, we got changed to the back of the hall. .____. like the BACK. but yeah, we smarties went and gasak-ed the middle places coz like they had extra space. so not so bad in the end. xD yes, all of us were very BORED in the hall (as usual.) o.O watoodo? sheesh. tonnes and tonnes of papers to do. crap. ahaa. dah laa kena teruk from fajariyah today. hahaha..
to you..
i love it when you walk with me in skul. altho, most of the time we are very much misunderstood.
it's amusing when u're always the childish one of the lot. xD
it's funny why u even like me.
i love you coz you respect and honour my decision.
i cherish the time we spent together, that day. and how you did not violate my privacy. :)
i love how you go 'maybe' when it always means 'yes'. and how you shrug and go, 'i dunno' with a smile that always means 'no'. =]
i love it how you protect me when i get bullied by the guys. xD
and i treasure wad you said : 'i promise you this, i will always be there for you. no matter what.' ♥s i promise you the same too, hun.
and when you said: 'if you ever find another guy, it's okay. go after him. you don't have to tell me since i know we can't be together.' ='(
yes, i treasure you alot. you're one of the great many blessings i have. thank you, sayang. ily. hope we'll remain the closest of frenz til the end. :D *huggs*
i'm moving on now. i've got sumone else. whees~
don't play with my feelings, you..
Labels: love :), people, skool?, stuff
14th september..
so yes. kay elle was, fun. xD thank you deborah lor the awesome. :D ahaha. like totally rocked with you. cousins. mm, the love. awwwh, will be missing you kids so much. thanks aunt and uncle. my aunt's house is like, the bomb weih. super... WHITE. xD haha.
nyee has got ear holes!!! ahh. as in like, for earings. woooooo. first thing when i saw i was like, "nyee u pierced ur ears!!!.." and the first thing she said? "dont touch.. *walks away " okay. nvm skip it. xD awesome, hun, u look more feminine now. and she was like, "go pierce ur ears lah.." yeah. imma pierce them. aftr peeemare. not just yet. :D
pecutan was LAME in the beginning. then now fun!! haha. sitting with pak and nyee. uber crazy/randomness..
15th september..
she looked GORGEOUS. absolutely gorgeous. haha. today went to skul. was blurring. then suddenly i saw her. LOL. she was saying sumthing like " yalah, the first thing he said was, nice shoes. look at the face lah, not the legs! hahaha.." and i went oohh, NICE SHOES. xD haha. another one. but seriously, i was stunned. wad with her pierced ears, the earings, the fair legs, short skirt xD and the WHITE sandals. i went staring for a few momments. ;) no i'm not les mind you. and no, i'm not exaggerating. u guys shud've been there. u MISSED it dude. :D hahaha..
so yes, enuf about gorgeous gurl today. :D i'm missing KAY ELLE now. =( awwh..
kiekieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. yes yes, a sexay anything. wadever you say. xD SHE WOLF. lol.
me and jeff okay de lah. ish. and stephen oso. haha. aish..
pecutan was well, LAME. sheesh kena change to the back. and then wad? when got empty space in front, THEY got asked to shift place. and i'm like, WAD? that was my old place lah. hehh. wadever lah. sum kind of kawans. pfft. so yesh, today i had camy next to me, and preetem behind me. quite fun lah i guess.wad witht their football bets. hari, dar and the gang on my left. xD uber fun. haha. MATHS was just just justtt.. HIGH. :D look on the bright side zoe, u're a number of spaces nearer to him. you can cope. no biggie.. hmm..
deborah lor. sheesh. NOVEMBER. don't worry. xD hahaha..
i like chocolate chip bread. it's nice. :D
meng meng is getting mad with me now. =( aiyoh. GONE.
pu vern's leaving sooonnnn.. T.T haha.. my dear, we've only been up to DAY 7 or 8. and i havent done my best for you yet. haha. for those who don't know, go watch FIREPROOF. xD i'm doing the 40 day course thingie to pu vern. why? coz i love him. hahaha. we crack up thinking abt it. aish.. love you pu. no matter how many times you give me witty retorts and rude comebacks. like this: pu vern ; me
"well hello there toilet bowl licker.."
"you shud've said: 'owh yes, i'm fine. i lick toilet bowls like YOU lah..' "
*dot dot dot* seriously, that dude's comebacks are funny. haha. i rmb the captainball 'who is taller?' joke too. :D owh pu, i'll miss you LOADS.
corn and butter with salt. one word: YUMMY.
so yes, itu saja untuk kali ini, terima kasih kerana membaca.
Labels: :) hepi, disappointed, fun, nostalgia, sad, skool?, stuff, updates
so i ish here to tell u that i shant be on9 for sum time. miss me? hahh. i know u will. *perasan betui* wadever lah. i'm gona be boreeddd. grr.
i have stuff to blog abt. but no mood or time. =) so sue me lah all u want. hahaha..
i mau pi car washhh. =.=
Labels: depression, stuff
Labels: :) hepi, fun, funny, random, randomness, stuff, updates, whee~
haha. i messed up the eyes. haha. yes it is obviously edited. :)
i like this for sum reason. haha.
do NOT mock me..
Labels: pictures
u're the awesome friend.
the one who doesnt get annoyed by my madness.
the one who actually misses me after not seeing me for 3 weeks. xD
the BIGGEST SWITCHFOOT fan i know.
the one that i can count on.
the cute chipmunk one. the bestf. ♥
u. ROCK. i love you to bits, and i know you'll appreciate this. it's been fifteen whole years since we've known each other. like WHOA. so yeah, i hope u had a wonderful birthday this year. GOD bless u tonnes, honey! *hugs*
hard to find pics of ai lyn ALONE. ;) so cute kan?
i love this pic. xD
ewww. NOO, u didnt.. ; happiness fills us. :D
so yes, itulah birthday gurl. :) remember, i love u ALOT. never forget that.
u gotta admit, she IS cute. :D
p.s. u will always be my AIYONAISE. :)
Labels: birthdays, lovess, whee~