ah! sprained my left ankle. was super painful that day. wobbled like mad when i walked. (: no one noticed tho. hah. ran yesterday. and it got painful again. :] ran down the stairs just now, and twisted the ankle. yet again. so there, a very clumsy girl with a sprained ankle. hurts weih. LOL
thanks for caring da.. remember, i can always be carried if i can't walk. :D
i'm playing with fire. help.
Labels: random, stuff, unlabelled
haha. yeah. suddenly so many people tell me owl city is nice. lol.
yes, OWL CITY IS GOOD! haha. i like fireflies and vanilla twilight.
both me and ai lyn agree that he's a mixture of techno and pop. yeah, edited voice and all. but still not bad. haha. radin is like, mad over him.
haha. yayyy. go click on the link! owh city's myspace. or something like that. haha.
and what's more, he's a christian! woohoo! lol to quote aiyo:
".. yeah! he's a christian too! a christian who makes GOOD music..."
go go now! and tell me what you think! :D
okay, belated birthday posts. whee? sorry lah they came so late. :D
20th September 2009..
D.E.B. aka dibo. yes my dear, u are already 14. fourteen years of nonsense. :) i remember back when we were much youger, i used to not like you at all. haha. thanks for everything debz. u're like the closest cousin from mom's side. yeah. OHANA. family. and no one gets left behind. i love you, LOSER. :D haha.. yes, i will always be eight and u will always be seven to you. and i like that. =] continue being the 'loser' *joke* u are. *hugs a million* *owh you flat-footed camel. =D
*owh, and happy belated birthday too, ma! err, i meant, aunty lee hsia! continue being the super super brilliant person you always were.
21st September 2009..
blessed belated birthday, tasha lim! yes, the pretty and hawt babe. we don't see each other much, at least not this year. haha. but yeah, from what i hear, it's all good. :)
i shall give you hug when i see you. your birthday present. haha
Terrific Amazing Sassy Hawt Attitude. =] what i like about youu. abit on the cheesy side, but hah. i made an effort! :D and yes, u have got attitude!
22nd September 2009..
SARAH LEE. blessed belated birthday, dearie. thanks for being that 'big sister' to us. for being part of the awesome threesome of SAGH. haha. thanks for all your advice, encouragement, gifts and notes. it's been a real blessing knowing you. GOD bless you! to many more years of friendship, laughter and fun. (you, me, yi xin) keep depending on HIM as the author and perfector of our faith. and hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. *hugs*
JON LEE, yes. haha. brother and sister. blessed belated birthday to you too! come back from nz soon! wahaha..
2*th September 2009..
blessed belated birthday, bro! no, i shant mention his name lol. just, F.R. for short. =] thanks for being my little brother though we argue and stuff. and i reali thank GOD for you. without you, i might've just become a spoilt brat who never knew what sharing with an annoying little brother felt like. :D so yes. love you!.. (:
to many more years of kicking, biting scratching, punching, pulling each other's hair and BUTT BITING?? haha. yes, we did all those. ah, good times. *chubbs*
29th September 2009..
sou shuang. shuanggiekins! although i just got to know you like, december last year? you're certainly one special lady. thanks for being the sister to us in bible camp. i loved all those times we would go crazy in bible camp. :) thank you. and for all the advice about the relationship. i appreciate it loads. continue to grow in the LORD. yes, you are one sexay babe. all the best with K.Z. ;) *hugs a million*
yes, my birthday post for you people. hope you guys like 'em. (:
*blessed belated birthday to pak too!. :]
been really emo lately. haha. what is the world coming to? lol. yes, the birthday post(s) shall be coming up real soon. :D
carrie underwood's ever ever after is nice. :)
last night. had some serious issues. well, somehow you are the one who stands firm. i waver. and that's why, i'm glad. and i love you loads. =)
mm... i wanna keluar! go queens! or something! ah! lol.. or go play captainball or some game. staying at home amat the boring lah. :]
oh yeah, cleaned my room that day. now my table is DUST FREE. *grins* for now only lah. hees.
i love you i love you i love you! *huggs*
if you don't already know, i give out free hugs and random 'i love you's
(: they're my trademarks. yay?
Labels: crap, emo, love :), stuff, updates, yay
So YES!!! the big exam is officially over. NYAHAHA. surprisingly, i don't feel the effect. nope. no balloons, eggs, tepung, even the feeling of satisfaction is not there. i don't now why, but yeah.
yes, i am the first to blog after the big exam. (i have a life by the way. HAHA)
the plan is to stay awake all night, and go to skool tomorrow, with eye bags, and sleep in class. well, cuz we hafta hantar the text books and all.
blehh. how i am gonna spend my MERDEKA? heh. jogging coolio? i think not.
pfft. yeah, soon, all the blogs are gonna be filled with blog posts on the sensational feeling after PMR, about their outings and what nots, msn's gonna be full 'til late at night. bah.
it's easy to get reaaaal bored though. but blehh.
To-do list? :-
1. Outings.
awesome threesome. ~ sarah, me, yi xin. (after her exams.)
babehhs: nureen, nina.
melissa, camy
the gang from school.
CG. yes, my care group is currently very urm, inactive?
whoever else who wants to go out? -.-
2. Be a PIG. (what I do best anyway)
3. Get Slimmer <--- don't smack me for this. ;]
*exercise. ugh. hopefully? TT
*follow the diet.
4. Get Closer To GOD.
yes, this means, not neglecting my quiet time anymore, putting GOD first, pleasing Him in all I do, giving my BEST to Him. (:
5. Add To My Wardrobe?
yes, mom actually agreed to take me go by shoes. whee~ whether that's gonna happen or not, i'm not too sure, but the fact that she actually said yes? COOLIO. =]
clothes? hopefully. bah. i don't need them actually. but hoooo.
hah, mom's considering. i SO hope i get it. what with being pestered owh-so-greatly to get my OWN phone, i'm tryingggg. x]
speaking about phones, i can't seem to find a good phone, elegant (fitting my taste), with a good quality camera, is not a touch screen and is NOT SAMSUNG. haha.
7. Get My Ears Pierced.
nyee's done hers. i've yet to get my ears done. TT painfuuuullll.
four more days to diwali. ahhh. also to seeing DEBORAH. *grins*
i can't wait.
Labels: PMR, skool?, stuff, to-do lists, whee~, yay
Pu Vern , Kenneth and Checkary.
Qu Wern ; Kenneth ; Zachary. HAHA. Love you guys lots like minty chocs! :D
Wrapped In Your Arms - Fireflight.
Labels: confused, crap, disappointed, emo
ugh. BM paper was HARD. i'm so scared it'll be like, 6As 1B.. or maybe 5As 2Bs (including science heh)
ahh. but nevemind, whatever the outcome, i know GOD is in control. so, i've done my best, and yes, HE will do the rest. dapat B pun B lah. =)
he allowed it so yeah. :D
ahaaa. thank you to all those who have wished me well for the big exam. =D i shall try my very best.
to the other PMR candidates, ALL THE VERY BEST! gambateh! jia you! haha.. *i knoeeee..BM was harddd...*
'til whenever..
ahh, i can't find my BC2008 booklet. dumb rite? HAH. owh well. *sigh*
i miss bible camp so much. a whole week of messages, caring and super fun people, FOOD, games, fellowship, getting closer to GOD, madness, walks on the beach and AWESOMENESS.
BC08 was the bomb. really, i miss all the messages..
the waking up early in the morning..
sitting on the cold cold floor outside to do devotion..
the games on the beach..
the ice-creams we had..
the group devotions and night games..
the brain-storming..
the late nights we stayed up to talk ( without getting caught :D )
the many fights and quarrels we had and how in the end they actually brought us closer together.
i miss the three monkeys: meng meng, jezron and kels..
i miss poking big bro in the stomach.. *smirks*
i miss rachel chan, my bed partner. waking up everyday and going to bed everyday knowing that you're gona have fun in bed. HAHA. yes dirty, our inside joke. :D
the fun, the laughter, the arguments, the nuttyness. ALL OF IT. i want it back, badly.
i can't wait for bible camp this year. yeah i know alot of the zion-ians ain't coming. they've go thteir own plans. and i'm saying anything about it. every year, i wish the same group people will come back and be in my group. but i know it's not gonna be that way. And, after the first day, i normally get new friends, grow closer to the few who came back, and know i was just being shallow. but heh, it WOULD be awesome for everyone to come back some time.
meng, adrian and kels aint coming this year. saddening. i miss meng and jez so much. like, dude, they totally ROCKED. our two lovable eunuchs. imma go kacau them right after the big exam. =) jezron with his " chill lah weii.. CHILL CHILL! " x)
i miss: edith my drunk partner in crime. rachel chan the queen and very much loved bed partner. emmilyn darling, the times we had together. shuanggie babe. melanie ann our big sis, who would do so much for the group. rachel tee *hugs a million*
december 2008 was a great month. will it be the same this year? nostalgia consumes me.
bible campers, i love you guys. zion-ians, don't ever break that bond we have. williammmm!!! nyahahah..
*farts original. (:
JEZRON ~ much loved dude of the group. natalia's original. :)
sam lee ~ the awesome musicman-bigbro
MENG~ very much loved brother
melanie ~ the motherly big sis
the gurls ~ much loved and missed. *hugs a trillion*
Labels: bible camp 08, depression, lovess, nostalgia, sad, stuff
i miss that. =(
it's 10.37 in the morning on the day before PMR. and i'm here blogging. smart pig. hah.
ONE MORE DAY! jia you! ugh. 8 more days to freedom.
my arms hurt. ALOT. ah, hopefully the pain goes away by tomorrow. =(
Tomorrow morning if you wake up
and the sun does not appear
I will be here
If in the dark, we lose sight of love
Hold my hand, and have no fear
'Cause I will be here
I will be here
When you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind
I will listen
And I will be here
When the laughter turns to cryin'
Through the winning, losing and trying
We'll be together
I will be here
Tomorrow morning, if you wake up
And the future is unclear
I will be here
Just as sure as seasons were made for change
Our lifetimes were made for these years
So I will be here
I will be here
And you can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we're older
I will hold you
And I will be here
To watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you mean to me
I will be here
I will be true to the promise I have made
To you and to the One who gave you to me..
the lyics are beautiful. (:
Labels: HEH., PMR, song, study
good news people, CHELSEA 2 - LIVERPOOL 0
actually i feel sad for liver. have no idea why but lol. hah.
PMR in 2 days! gambateh people! not gointa skool tomorrow. coz there ain't nuthin to do there. :D
floorball after peeemare! grr. i'm thinking contacts. scared tak nampak the ball. -.- HAHAHA
9 more days to freedom. i'm actually scared that i have nuthin to do after the exam. like waa..? weird huh. x] oh well..
after PMR, it's gonna be me, skool, friends? outings, and EXERCISE.
yes exercise. you heard me correctly. jogging (HOPEFULLY i can keep it up), crunches, sit-ups (what's the diff?), butt exercises (HAHA) and pumping. LOL. imma get big hands from pumping. =.=
my crap of the day. =)
Labels: crap, exercise, floorball, fun, high-ness, PMR, randomness, stuff, whee~
all the best to those taking PMR! 4 more days, people!
Labels: confused, floorball, stuff
i don't like what you do to me. bringing me down. NO. sorry for ignoring you, but yeah. thanks neways. HEH.
PMR in 5 days. currently on HIATUS. (duhh) :]
EMO-ed. MAD. feeling STUPID. distant from GOD. stressed. owh well, *shrugs* pry for me yeah? PMRRRRR. :D
birthday posts and tributes / wishes, after the big exam. sorry lah. my fault i know. =]
who ever you are, *huggs*. i needed that. =D
Labels: crap, depression, hiatus, stuff