"A boy gave his girlfriend a challenge; to live a day without him & if she did it he would love her more. The girl agreed and she didn't talk to him for a day without knowing he had only 24 hours so live because he was suffering from cancer. She went to his house the next day tears falling from her eyes as she saw him lying in a coffin with a note on the side:
'You did it baby, you can do it everyday.' "
"Old people at weddings always poke me and say "You're next." So, I started doing the same thing to them at funerals." ROFLOL.
Tried taking a moon shot that day. Turned out not too bad. :)
Random bits of songs stuck in my head for some time now. been singing 'em like crazy. :D Sadly, most people don't get meee. LOL.
"I feel the sun creeping up like tik tok." - Please Don't Go ; Mike Posner.
"Take my hand, close your eyes, With you right here, I'm a rocketeer... Let's fly, fly, fly, flyyyyyy." - Rocketeer ; Far East Movement.
"Two.Zero.One.Two." - 2012 ; Jay Sean.
"Cause baby you're a firework, Come on let your colours burnnn." - Firework ; Katy Perry.
"All eyes on me when I walk in, No question that this girl's a TEN. Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful.. Aye, now do the pretty girl ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCKK!" - Pretty Girl Rock ; Keri Hilson.
LOL, I've been singing the 'now do the pretty girl rock' part over and over. NOBODY gets me though. THAT SONG ROCKS. *points to previous post. :D
my brother was so adorable back then. I was.. SMEXY. and my dada? he's HOT. :D
I remember the times when we used to walk together along the school corridors.
I remember the times when you used to look at me and tell me I was a leng lui.
I remember the times we used to text till late at night and you'd fall asleep without replying. And the next day you'd feel guilty and say sorry.
I remember that time you guys came over and we walked down to play basketball ; that time you walked me back home even though we were very late.
I remember the times you'd stay online just to teman me on MSN.
I remember the times we would sit down together, and you'd teach me how to do the rubix cube. Or the times I'd fake trying to 'protect' you cause I was the Tai Ko and you were the Sai Lo.
I remember that time when you had to walk me back from band practice and I fell down and cut my lip. You were so worried and lent me your hankie to wipe the blood off so my mom wouldn't notice. And after that you called just to make sure I was fine.
I remember the days when you'd text me and tell me I suddenly came into your mind for no particular reason.
I remember that I was scared crazy after watching the horror video Melvyn posted. You were there to comfort me and I felt so much better.
I remember the times you'd walk by class and I'd stare at you as if you were a hero. Or the times you'd wait outside class for me, so we could walk down together for recess.
I remember how you'd always ask if you were disturbing me everytime you texted. I somehow do that too, nowadays.
I remember the times I'd look at you and call you the childish one of the lot.
I remember event days in school when we'd go around the school just talking about stuff after prefect duty.
I remember how I'd used to miss call you to see if you were awake.
I remember the times you and I used to call each other sayang.
I remember the one and only time we held hands in bilik agama.
I miss all that. And it's all coming back to me now. I miss you.
So i have to put this here as a reminder and a CAUTION. U're reading this at Your OWN RISK. Any feedback and constuctive cristism is welcomed.As usual, if u don't like it here, u can click that little [X] up there.I'm blogging based on the my own thoughts and views.Any harm caused by reading this is NOT my responsibility.Thank You.
Profile ♥
Zoe's her name.
Also goes by the names KUCING, BABI, and PIG BUTT.
Bubbly, crazy, noisy, WEIRD and is a socializer. (:
Is passionate for FLOORBALL.
Is Ganas (aggresive), huggable and punch-able.
Music, Photography, Arts and Ball Sports are her passions.
Can easily get discouraged and is very emotional at times.
Absolutely ♥s GLEE.
A 50+ kg, fun-sized, loud and cheery semngat giver. :)
Has two BABI family members that she loves to bits. Dabi, Zabi and E-abi.
Highlights ♥
♥ Bible Camp 2010.
♥ IA games
Wouldn't Minds ♥
♥ A Surprise Birthday Party. :D
♥ A Camera / Phone.
♥ Contacts. (:
♥ To Play the Guitar DRUMS and Piano Better.
♥ To Have a Closer Walk With GOD.
♥ A Bestfriend.
♥ A simple 'I Love You' and plenty of hugs.