Cross country took place this morning. Got 1st placing. Definitely an achievement even though the top runners like Sonia and Shazliana didn't run. But my timing wasn't impressive. Quite embarrassing for someone who got first place actually. Oh well, being contented. :)
He came up behind me. He overtook me, but turned back and gave encouragement. "Come on! Keep going." And it meant so much to me.
Post Cross Country.
WE SO LALA. ^^V (Except Lim who looks so yeng. :P)
Lala pose #2. The KY pose! :D
Proud of her. :)
Lala pose #3. :)
Yes, a very memorable day indeed.
Thank You, LORD for keeping us all safe. And for guiding me every step of the way. I couldn't have done it without You.
I hope you guys are proud of me! :D
Good Friday; Easter. What are their significances to you?
SWAT did a great job and played a great game on Saturday. We gave 'em what we got.
We fell, cramped, slid and cheered our mates on. Throughout all 3 periods.
NO, we didn't give up.
First two periods were tough though. Alot of pressure and abit of messy game play.
But we managed to pull through! *inserts applause*
Gonna have to up our game for the next two matches.
Great news? Mom says I can go for the matches.
"Once you've committed yourself to something, go all the way. There's no such thing as PPK."
:D YES, my mom's not all mean and green. HAH.
Runaway ; Bruno Mars.
Playing for Frontliners in Division One. Will prolly be benched the whole time, but oh, Coach KY says it'll be good experience to watch the games. Visual learning. xP
So yes, we lost to Trailblazers 2-3. It was definitely a tough and tight match. Yes, I am obviously disappointed since we tried so hard but yet didn't manage to beat the opposition.
But honestly, I feel that we gave our best. We really went all out and pushed ourselves to the limit. It was a great game and a great experience.
I'm sure there was a reason we lost too. I think God is still instilling the 'humility' value in my life. Other than that, I think He's teaching me to learn to accept defeat and not be a sore loser. I know that I've given my best and that I am a winner even though we didn't win the match. I gave my all; I ran till my lungs burned, I cheered my teammates on till the last second, and I didn't give up.
God is probably teaching me patience and teaching me how to depend on Him no matter what the outcome, win or lose. I'm sure, if we keep practising, He will give us victory, if not by winning the other matches, then definitely by some other way. But I'm very sure He has His plans installed for us.
I remember praying to God not only for victory, but also to most importantly keep all the players safe. And guess what? God answers prayers. He may not have allowed us to win the match, But He definitely kept everyone safe from harm.
I definitely was more able to accept the defeat this time. And I know it's cause I surrendered everything to Him. And His peace which transcends all understanding is in my heart. So I don't need to feel angry or worried that we lost. (: All in His timing.
Thank You God, for being the awesome and sovereign LORD that You are.
Even though we lost, it's much better to know that we played fair and gave our all, rather than winning a game the wrong way. It's alright, girls. We did great. Looking forward to the next match, we'll be back. STRONGER this time.
So i have to put this here as a reminder and a CAUTION. U're reading this at Your OWN RISK. Any feedback and constuctive cristism is welcomed.As usual, if u don't like it here, u can click that little [X] up there.I'm blogging based on the my own thoughts and views.Any harm caused by reading this is NOT my responsibility.Thank You.
Profile ♥
Zoe's her name.
Also goes by the names KUCING, BABI, and PIG BUTT.
Bubbly, crazy, noisy, WEIRD and is a socializer. (:
Is passionate for FLOORBALL.
Is Ganas (aggresive), huggable and punch-able.
Music, Photography, Arts and Ball Sports are her passions.
Can easily get discouraged and is very emotional at times.
Absolutely ♥s GLEE.
A 50+ kg, fun-sized, loud and cheery semngat giver. :)
Has two BABI family members that she loves to bits. Dabi, Zabi and E-abi.
Highlights ♥
♥ Bible Camp 2010.
♥ IA games
Wouldn't Minds ♥
♥ A Surprise Birthday Party. :D
♥ A Camera / Phone.
♥ Contacts. (:
♥ To Play the Guitar DRUMS and Piano Better.
♥ To Have a Closer Walk With GOD.
♥ A Bestfriend.
♥ A simple 'I Love You' and plenty of hugs.