btw guys, i just watched the pacifier last nite and mamma mia on thurs.
they are AWESOME!! vin diesel is SOOO HOT in THE PACIFIER!!~ ahahaxx....reminded me and my mom of CHRIS hot!
MAMMA MIA was, well..dirty..xDDD ahaha..for me lah at least.. but all in al it was a realli gud and entertainning show. for those ABBA FANS, a MUST WATCH! super gud the way they fitted the songs and the choreography and the lyrics in. xDDD i love it! thanks ku cheh..
hehehh.. just had to post that up. =P
sick wicked post..
ahaha.. so yesh! i am finally back from a week long holiday sumwhere. was sick the whole week as some of u might already knoe..
had running & block nose, super bad sore throat and cough, fever, body ache and wat knots...
and and and...
yeah yeah..i KNOE..i didnt want not my fault...but cares? it'll soon grow back again..and
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."
~1 Peter 3:3-4
so yes..neways..i jus wanna say thanks a whole lot guys for all ur concern and care during the tme i was sick. =/ i appreciate it alot.. so, THANK YOU to:
ai lyn, melissa teoh, stephen, justin (fr temaning me), alan low, vincent, su lyn, hooi siang and the rest hu prayed. i ♥ u guys loads..
so now i'm currently feeling MUCH better. =) thnx a bunch. jus having an occasional COUGH and naughty nose. xD other than that, i'm cool. i can't wait for church tmr. gonna c the peeps! yay. ahaha. but aish, mah brother no. 1 has gone back kl, owh well..
the hols are almost over. i must say..i din have a very enjoyable one EXCEPT for on the day of the wedding and the day after..and well, the second week. other than that? t'was so-so. xD
shall try to update soon.. til then.
*yi xin and pu vern are back! yay!
*still missing them..
*exam results on monday! noooooo..die die die!
i forgot how it feels to be sick already. xDD it actually
feels weird. =P
i havent had a cough or sore throat for since like, i cant remember. xDDD this feels different. x]
Labels: captainball, christian, church.., friends, fun, funny
saturday-the day i had anticipated the whole two weeks finally arrived. xD
vincent and hooi siang arrived in pg around 9pm like dat..[friday..]
woke up latee..hahahh...then, went to church for aaron and lee ying's wedding ceremony. arrived there abt 10.30?? no more seats left. saw everybody there. ahh..the crew lahh...
had tonnes of fun..taking pichas and all..the bride arrived and all..she looked reali pretty. ;) we loved her dress! haha..and and..MAY LYN and TABITHA performed a song..the modified version of "everything" by lifehouse. xD u guys did great!! we all loved it. xD gud job man..
then..saw esther and edith there oso..haha..coz aaron was their father's best man or sumthing during his wedding. xD so yeah.
took lotssa pictures..then...of to qb!! alot of us went..13 in all..i think..
actually hooi siang planned for it to be a birthday celebration for siew wei wan..but then, last minute she had to go to her aunt's /grandma's she cudnt come..awhh...but anywayz...BLESSED BELATED B'DAY, SIEW WEI!! xDDD in the end, we ended up going to qb for lunch n kai kai. x)
those hu went:
me, sarah, justin,ah bing, jeffie, hooi siang, vincent, tabitha, natalie, yi xin, qu wern, kenneth and benji. ^^
we decided to eat NANDOs..LOL. we waited outside for like, ten minutes..jus waiting to be seated. maklumlahh..saturday mahh..alot of ppl. xD met wan chin n gang there oso. they wanted to eat at kim gary, but full, so they went to canton-i. lunch was cool..we mostly shared food lahh.. me n tabs shared our meal. thanks dearie. then, tiba2, vincent bring out his 'BIG' money and paid. haha..then of course we all paid him back lahh..LOL
the gurls and guys separated coz hs wanted to go look at his we went window-shopping! xDD fun wieh..hehe..nuthing better to do. =P
then then..met up with up with them again outside the arcade..coz incent had to send yi xin and qu wern home., nat, tabs and sarah we walking here and there looking for the car xDDDD funnylahh weih. sumore in their HIGH-HEELS. pity them kolian. we walked for like, fifteenwhole minutes?? walao.
then..went home, did SEJARAH. =.=""" sweat weih....haha..then then ready for the wedding part two! the dinner larh..
went to RED ROCK HOTEL ( i think that's the name ) and went to the 'ever-supreme' restraunt for the wedding dinner. xP yp was kinda separated into few tables. xD
our table: me, hooi siang, yi xin, christie, nat, sarah, tabs, felicia, justin see nd vincent. the other table: stephanie,adeline,zian,ai lyn, mayo, sara, zac, qu wern, kenneth and jason. =) the OTHER table: the OYP justin, dawn, paul, heather, nic, jeffie, bing, connie and two more i think..hehehh..
TABITHA and NATTY performed 'i will be here' by steven curtis chapman. it was realli nicee larhh..altho sumhow they forgot the bridge. xD and tabs was so blur after the performance..ahaha..still, no one noticed ;) we had gud food there too! EVERYBODY loveeed the chocolate 'brownie' cupcakes. x) they were very nicely made. n super tasty weih...=P dessert was gud too! hahahh..
went over to pu vern's table to help them finish up food. hahaxx..coz they were seriously wasting food and not thinking of the africans :) so i got squashed between zac and fun plucking zac's white hair..and then we took picture of it..ahaha..funnylahh weii...
then nic suddenly came and pointed his videocam towards us and asked if we had anything to say to the newly wedded couple. and i was like this:
"hey aaron! i love u!!........*silence* oops, err..i meant, i love u and ur wife! LOL..congrats! and GOD bless u guys! xDDD ehehe..all the best!"
then zac and pu vern were like..AHAHAHAAHHHHH...u're so dead. and ALL THE BEST? wad's there to be all the best-ed? xD and i was like..their future married lives? and then we cracked up again..
at the end, we had our yp group pic together with the bride and bridegroom. x]
aaron looked yeng in his wedding photos. his wife?? super pretty...her poses were so natural n the setting was perrrrfect~ haha..we agreed that she slimmed down alot worr..and was GORGEOUS.
sarah went back, terus upload pichas dee.. walao weih..haha...SO FAST~ xD
but she deleted the picha of me, vince and hooi siang without our specs. haish..i LOVED that pic. too bad larh..haiyoo..was my favourite special wan. owh well, we'll have more next time. hopefully? xD
pichas? another post larh.. oh, n the next post is abt SUNDAY: outing and captainball day~ xDDD
thanks fer reading guys..♥s
Labels: friends, fun, funny, wedding
okay guys, i knoe, super hard to read my blog. BEAR.WITH.IT.
hahahh..will try to change it asap. but i do like the skin so much! owh well, till whenever,
Labels: new blog layout
hey guys. haha. havent been blogging for like.. ahh, hu cares? neways..
UPDATES... yeah..updates..updates..xD anything else i missed out?