Unbelievable, Unimaginable, Unfathomable; This Love.
When you hear for the first time someone else saying that he loves you (romantically), and your little heart cannot believe it. You slowly learn to accept it, but it still hits you hard each time you think about it. Like there's a mental wall, because it just seems impossible for someone else so lovely to say that they love you.
And it's unbelievable. It's amazing and you just can't imagine how or why God would provide you with so many more blessings such as these on top of His gracious salvation.
I always thought that I wasn't up to other people's standards, always looking for approval, never thinking that I could be accepted and loved for who I was, no make-up, no airs, no performances.
I tried so hard to push him away, because I was afraid of getting hurt again after my past experiences. I was so afraid to love again because there was always this doubt and fear that he would leave me just as the others did.
And tested him I did. So many times I realised I was making up excuses, daring him to leave me because I couldn't bear it if he did so voluntarily.
But he never left me.
Each time I asked him about whether he truly loved me (jokingly or not), his answer was always that he would choose to love me. And it took some time for me to understand and grasp this amazing concept, whose author is none other that our almighty and loving God. :)
When I finally understood and broke, something in me clicked and my will to reject the love given snapped.
I allowed all the feelings to overwhelm me, I allowed myself to feel again.
I became vulnerable, I loved back with my heart and my mind and I opened myself up to hurt and pain and the possibility of abandonment.
It hasn't been easy, but my love (emotionally and mentally) has been growing ever since.
I'm so glad that you chose me before, and that you continue to choose me, day after day.
I look forward to marrying you and continuing to choose you, just as you choose me. :)
I love you, Pumpkin! :)
GOD is in control, 1:26 AM.
:) ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡
GOD is in control, 5:50 PM.
Hello Sayang. :)
GOD is in control, 1:30 PM.
How Rich A Treasure We Possess, In Jesus Christ Our Lord.
His blood, our ransom and defense, His glory our our reward.
Live for the wondrous kingdom!! :)
Thanking God for every blessing in Christ.
GOD is in control, 1:52 PM.
As Strong As The Weakest Link.
A team is only as old as its newest/youngest member,
as brave as its timidest member,
as fast as its slowest member,
as much a winner only when all its members are winners,
and as strong as its weakeast member.
We should always remember this.
GOD is in control, 2:07 PM.
So Sad.
Felt an outburst of emotion just now.
So sad and angry and bitter.. It was hard, trust me.
But I'm trying to forgive and... I guess forget?
Anyway, feeling depressed now.
Hoping to curl up in a ball and sleep and shut the world out for a bit.
Not going to happen unfortunately. Sigh
This cough and wheezing is making me sound like a Pokemon.. The one who seems to have constant athsma attacks and he/it could probably transmit athsma to others lol.
GOD is in control, 1:50 PM.
Days of Crying.
See those little creases on the paper?
They're from the tears that streamed down my cheeks after watching Sara Bareilles' 'I Choose You' video. :)
Just to clarify: I don't support homosexual marriage.
But I definitely did cry when the guy proposed to his girlfriend. :)
I'm always touched when I see how someone can love another person so much, despite their sinfulness, their imperfections etc.
And this guy went through all that effort to walk his girlfriend down memory lane with those little post-it notes. Mmmm~
So, so sweet.
I'll probably cry too during my proposal. :'(
GOD is in control, 2:09 PM.