This ENFP has 1001 emotions running through her brains and her veins. But since she hates thinking, she'll just have to process all those emotinos (like Latinos etc) subconsciously, like while in the shower, or while she's pooping, brushing her teeth, trying to sleep or some daily/routine/hygienic activity of the sort.
So i have to put this here as a reminder and a CAUTION. U're reading this at Your OWN RISK. Any feedback and constuctive cristism is welcomed.As usual, if u don't like it here, u can click that little [X] up there.I'm blogging based on the my own thoughts and views.Any harm caused by reading this is NOT my responsibility.Thank You.
Profile ♥
Zoe's her name.
Also goes by the names KUCING, BABI, and PIG BUTT.
Bubbly, crazy, noisy, WEIRD and is a socializer. (:
Is passionate for FLOORBALL.
Is Ganas (aggresive), huggable and punch-able.
Music, Photography, Arts and Ball Sports are her passions.
Can easily get discouraged and is very emotional at times.
Absolutely ♥s GLEE.
A 50+ kg, fun-sized, loud and cheery semngat giver. :)
Has two BABI family members that she loves to bits. Dabi, Zabi and E-abi.
Highlights ♥
♥ Bible Camp 2010.
♥ IA games
Wouldn't Minds ♥
♥ A Surprise Birthday Party. :D
♥ A Camera / Phone.
♥ Contacts. (:
♥ To Play the Guitar DRUMS and Piano Better.
♥ To Have a Closer Walk With GOD.
♥ A Bestfriend.
♥ A simple 'I Love You' and plenty of hugs.